For many people, a perfect smile can be achieved with the help of their dentist. In Mission, Dr. Kesteven, who has been in dentistry for 16 years, changed the focus of his practice to the cosmetic side of the business.
Silver fillings, aka amalgam, contain a dark secret that will harm you if it hasn't already! Feeling concerned? You should be.
It is well known that oral cancer is strongly associated with tobacco and alcohol consumption, together responsible for about 75 percent of oral cancer in the western world. As well, 90 per cent of oral cancers occur in people over 45 years of age.
Beyond cavities, crowns and cleanings, the impact of a smile reaches from the corners of our mouth and into the depths of our emotions. We all benefit from a smile, whether we are on the giving or receiving end of it. The smile is the total center of expression. When it dazzles, you exude confidence and contentment, happiness and joy.
No doubt, if you are one of the estimated 40 million North Americans that suffer with chronic headaches, ringing ears, facial pain, clicking jaws, or clenching and grinding, you are in desperate need of relief.
Give us a call at: 604-826-8087